Formed in 1994 RPM have been trying to avoid real work ever since. Founder member and all round 'bon oeuf' Andy Davies never achieved a degree in musicology although he has listened to the Prince album of the same name several times and stolen most of the good riffs.

At the tender age of eight Andy started his musical career in school playing the obligatory one finger version of 'Smoke On The Water' on a classical guitar. He soon made the mature decision, however, to switch to the volume enhanced pianoforte after constantly being drowned out by rebellious classmates and now considers keyboards to be his main instrument.

Over the years he has bribed a number of other talented composers and musicians to work with him when required to share the workload or to exploit their particular area of expertise. This allows RPM to confidently take on work in almost any genre (with the exception of Marching Band Afro Jazz Reggie) and is demonstrated to some degree in both our Showreel and the diversity of productions we have been involved in.

RPM Music Productions

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